Asta's Guest Book!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bestest Pawty - Asta's All Gwowed Up

G'day Pals,

I just woke up after pawtying hard wif Asta and all my pals.

What a day ow 2 days, maybe it went fow 3!

It stawted when Ruby picked me up in her jet fow the long flight to New Yowk. Things got weally interesting after she picked up Jackson in the UK. That Indian blanket was pwetty good fow snuggling under - He He He. Jackson, he got some heap big wampum thewe!

I think Jax was pwetty tiwed by the time we weached the wanch, so I did lots of sqwawe dancing wif Bussie and Asta up over and Stanley.

Then thewe was the aftew pawty.Melbouwne will nevew seem the same now that I've tasted life in the big city!


Asta said...

Asta Twinny!
I'm glad you got lots of gwownup giwls need to make suwe we don't get bags undew ouw eyes,hehehe
You suwe looked comfy on my sofa with youw hands westing on the coffee table...all those tewwiers in one woom and no mess!!! Mommi was amazed!
(pawsonally I think Daddi helped cleaw up the evidence..he loved all of you so much)
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

It's taking you awhile to catch up, isn't it Asta! You did seem to be the life of the pawty!
It was a fun time, wasn't it!

Love ya lots,

Joe Stains said...

you had such a LONG journey! we had so much fun and we are glad you could make it!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Sure you need lots of rest! It was great to meet you there! Those parties were awesome!
Have a nice day

Hammer said...

Hi Asta
I'm sorry I missed such a great pawty. I'm happy though that you all had such a good time. Have a great weekend.
Love from Hammer

Noah the Airedale said...

We're going to give our pinkies an absolute barking for making us miss Asta's pawty. Arrrrgh.....

We're glad you had fun though.

Noah, Willow, Lucy & Tess

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hey Asta,
G'day! I was all zonked out after the pawty too, but it sure was fun!!

Stanley said...

Asta Girl!

You were so much fun at the pawty, chica! Loved dancing with you and running our rodeo drills together. Scruffy and Archie were so sweet to agree to stand in as a roping calf for each of us.

Rest up. It takes awhile to deal with your double jet lag.

Goober love,

Simba and Jazzi said...

I be you slept forever after all that travelling and partying.

Simba x

Amber-Mae said...

Hehehehe! You look sooo pooped out in those pictures Asta. Pawtied till you dropped.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... that's what was going on under the blanket...I thought you were coming down with a cold and had shivers...hehehehehe! You had an exhausting journey! The cowboy and indian fight was particularly entertaining, wasn't it??!! Scruff and I were just glad we we're grilled and eaten as steak. Get some rest, Girl!!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, glad my blanket came in useful! Hehehehe! It was fun, wasn't it! J x

Gus said...

Hey! I think it must've been the trip in the airplane, cause the party was great fun, but I wasn't hardly even tired.

Gussie, however, is still loafing around.

teka toy

Noah the Airedale said...

Asta, we were looking at those pics of your folks in the Yarra Valley. I've actually been there on holidays when I was a lone dale. My pinkies went grape grazing and I watched them sample the wines. It was great fun but the best was when I chased wombats up near Kinglake. D & B thought I was gone forever cause I went running into the national park but I came back. I've got a great sense of direction.
My pinkies love Victoria. They're taking us all to Beechworth in November for my birthday...yay!

Noah xx

Cléo said...

Lot's of fun...
Smoochie Kisses
(Mom put a dictionary on my blog, now you can translate portuguese to english)