Asta's Guest Book!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Klaus, LuLu, and Bogart: our condolences

Although I was ecstatic to see my mum weturn last night at 1am, we are all saddened by LuLu and Bogart's loss. There is nothing that can replace Klaus, but we can remember that he gave love and happiness to our friends Bogart and LuLu, and celebrate his life. Even though the power of the paw could not save Klaus, LuLu and Bogart should know that the power of all of us is behind them as long as they need our support.
Louise and Asta


Gus said...

Now the healing vibes need to be for Lulu and Bogart. You have put it so well.


Asta said...

Asta twinny
WE have to show Lulu and bogie that they awe not alone
smoochie kisses
pee ess I'm so happy youw Mom came home..

Unknown said...

What incredible sadness.. We will have to continue to support.

On a happier note, did you get anything good from mom? I am sure you are soooo happy she is coming home.


Princess Patches said...

Amen! We will keep up the power of the paw for Lulu and Bogart!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Eric said...

A very sad day indeed Asta.We are ready with love and support for Lulu and Bogart.

Love and kisses. Eric and B x

Duke said...

Today is such an incredibly sad day! We are praying for Lulu and Bogie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

I agree with Gussie.
Our prayers and thoughts are for Lulu and Bogart now.
Take care

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Our thought are for Lulu & Bogart now.

slurpy licks,

Joe Stains said...

We were so upset too, poor Lulu and Bogie.

Stanley said...

Sweet Asta Girl!

I'm so glad your mama is home finally. I bet it's good to get some snuggle time in with her.

We've been sending out some healing goober vibes Lulu & Bogie's way, and want to be there for the long haul with them. It almost doesn't seem real.

You smooch on your mama for me, okay?

Goober love,

Bae Bae said...

It sure was a sad day for Bogart's family and the DWB community

~ Bae

Asta said...

Hi Twinny
I'm not as fowtoonate as you..I have no floofy catsissie hewe , so I have to make do wif my infewiow tootsie woll..How's having youw Mom at home???pwetty fantastic I bet
smoochie kisses

Juno said...

Hello Asta, our thoughts are with Lulu and Bogart's family. Very thoughful post.

Our pawrents are back from holiday... and we posted something we want you to have a look! :) Please come by our blog when you get a chance.

Momo & Pinot

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Where're you, Asta?
Is it Fall in where you live?

Hoop said...

Keep up the barking Power

The Cat Realm said...

Oh - we see what you mean about an update....
This was so very very sad, poor Lulu and Bogart, we remember...

Asta said...

Asta twinny
I hope you have a vewy happy Biwfday
I miss you and hope you awe having a most wondewful day full of tweats and play and lots of love
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

I'm convinced that animals do indeed grieve and commemorate in their own way. Hope the healing has taken hold.
- - - - - - -
dog beds and more

Derek said...

Power of the paw for Lulu and Bogart!!

electric fence for dogs

Unknown said...

WE have to show Lulu and bogie that they awe not alone. Challenge coins

Unknown said...

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