Asta's Guest Book!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Austwailia Day & Dad Gets Citizenship!

G'day Pals, Happy Austwailia Day! I'm celebwating by wearing my True Blue Aussie Digger Hat! Fow you Seppos (if you don't know wha a Seppo is check my rhyming slang dictionary) out thewe, Austwailia Day marks the beginning of English colonization of Austwailia, so it's like Columbus Day, 4th of July, & Thanksgiving all rolled into one!

Austwailia Day is a good day to shawe some important news. My dad got his Austwailian Citizenship last year. Mum got hewes 2 yeaws ago: the Prime Minister rushed it thwough fow hew because hew work is so impowtant.

Aftewards mum made my dad weaw this ridiculous hat, just like she made me weaw. She said it was to show dad was fair dinkum, but I think mum is unfair dinkum!

Aftewards my pawents went wif the Figgs to a pub to celebwate being fare dinkum Aussies. I'm spending Austwailia day weekend wif the Figgs to give dad a chance to west and pway pooter games nonstop.


Gus said...

Congratulations to all of you. And happy Australia day. We hope you have a great day with the Figgs and give your dad lots of kissies when you go home


Katie and Gizmo said...

G'day Asta,
Happy Australia Day to you and your family too.
I'm going to a barbie with mum this arvo so I hope I don't blow away either.


Asta said...

Congwatulations to youw faiw dinkum Dad!!!that is vewy cool..that they awe bof so impowtant now..hope they had a gweat celebwation..and Happy Austwalia day to you my Twinny..I bet you'we having a gweat time..I like the Figgs a lot..they love you and that's pwetty cool!
Asta twinny, I wemembew when you lent me that hat to scawe away the fly that was bothewing me..I thought it was vewy special
love and smoochie kisses

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Asta
What a great day!! We're celebrating by wearing our Akubra hats hehe. Good to see you've got your Aussie hat on too.
D keeps hasseling our dad to get his Aussie citizenship. He's lived here for 27 years after all.

Happy Australia Day.


Lorenza said...

Happy Australia Day Asta!
And congratulations to your Dad!
Kisses and hugs

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Happy Australia Day!!!! Maybe they should make something called Asta Day!

I mean, Mr. T-Bone Beasley Day is like every day! Hehehe!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

NESSA the hovawart said...

Happy Australia day to you all.I belive you have a great day. That hat is so funny:-)
Wet licks from Nessa

Asta said...

Come and see..I wepwiesed the hat in youw honow!!
also I saw you in the photo of the tewiew lineup at the Happy Chinese NewYeaw did you sneak ovew hewe?
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

Congratulations to your dad and Happy Australia day! You look awesome in your digger hat, Asta!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Pippa said...

Hope you all had a great day. Master got his citizenship too, but never went to sign for it, so it was never finalised :( Ah well.

So now we are Gibraltar residents instead of Australian ones.


Simba and Jazzi said...

Congratulations to your dad and Happy Australia day

Yogui said...

Nice day you've got.
Congrats to all your human family.
A lot of paws

Joe Stains said...

happy Australia Day and CONGRATS to your Dad!!!

Agatha and Archie said...

Congratulations to everyone!!!!!We LOVE that hat!! Very cool!! Don't party to much!! Love and kisses A+A

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow congrats ta yer Dad and HAppy Australian Day ta ya all !!!! I must say, Asta, that ya look a bit like Steve Irwin in that hat.....ready ta take on the crocodiles fer sure....

Dewey Dewster here....

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Congratulations to your dad!!!!! Strong work!

Asta...I was wondering if you could come to Axel's bloggie??? His mom has been ill and he's askin' the terrier nurses for their help!! I know you are a famous nurse and I am only a lowly nursing student in training, but I wondered if you might spare a few shifts???

His link is on our blog if ya don't have it...Wiry Axel...


Bae Bae said...

Yeah.. Hope you all had a pawsome Australia day and congrate to your dad getting the citizenship now. ;)

~ Bae

Asta said...

You awe needed ..all us nuwsies awe wunning ovew to Axel's house..his Mommi needs us..put on youw oonifowm and meet us in Pill-a -dell feea
I'm bwinging lots of food and Lacie is bwinging smoovies..Agatha is aweady put on youw nuwsie oonifowm
love and smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Happy Australian Day Asta & Family! And congrats to your daddy's citizenship!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Black and Tans. said...

Congratulations to your Dad for receiving his Australian Citizenship.

William Tell said...

You look very cute in your hat, Asta!

And congratulations to your Dad for becoming a true Aussie. What a neat thing to do!

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Eric said...

Congratulations to you Dad. Did they drink a few tinnies and throw a possum onto the barbie to celebrate?

Wiry wags, Eric xx

Stanley said...

Hey, Asta Girl!

Congratulations & goob smoochies to your Aussie dad! I didn't know he wasn't a citizen until now. What a huge deal!

By the way, you sport that hat so much better than he does, but that's no surprise.

Goober love & Australia Day smooches,

World of Animals, Inc said...

We hope you had a fun time celebrating the holiday with the whole family. Congratulations to your dad. We are very happy for him. Thanks for the wonderful post. Have a fantastic rest of your weekend.
World of Animals