I have a small confession pals. Another one of the weasons I didn't blog last year is that I got this exciting pwesent: my own little pool. And, while mum was slaving a way working, I've been having a good time.

Oh boy, dad, fill it up I can't wait. And, because it's summew now, I'm enjoying it again.

Get the hose, get the hose, get the hose, hah hah hah hah hah!

Yes, yes yes yes, I can't wait, fill the pool, fill the pool, fill the pool!!!!
Dad and I go through this evwy 3 days!
Ok, pals, you have to wait fow the next installment on the pool, and a little mowe info on my furprise!
What a fancy pool you have, Asta! We love the shell theme! Have fun taking a dip!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
G'day Asta
That pool is pawfect for you. Just the right size. Have fun splash'n around.
Wow, we love that pool. Why we don't have one is a mystery.
We're waiting for the furprise and the next pool installment.
Jake and Just Harry
It made us shiver seeing your pool being filled. WE so wish it was warm here so we could splash around rather than skid around on the water.
Have a fun time.
Molly and Taffy
Mind if I join in ? Looks like you have fun !!!
Your pool looks like loads of fun, Asta! It even makes us wish it was summertime, here.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hi, Asta!
Your pool is pawesome!
I can understand you just want to be there having fun!
Kisses and hugs
Asta Twinny
That is a spectacoolaw pool!
Do some laps fow me, heheh
love and smoochie kisses
Now that's one really swell lookin' pool ya have there Asta....we have one too but not as nice as yers is...hope ya enjoy it and the warm weather cause it's cold as a witch's T_T here.....
Ya sure know how ta keep a secret....when ya gonna spill the beans on yer surprise????
Dewey Dewster here....
omdog, I hate water but you sure do seem happy!!! We are glad you are back to blogging!!
We are jealous, our pool is frozen. Grrrrr : (
Your very own pool, you lucky dog. Have lotza fun in it.
Ohhhhhhhh how we wish we had a pool going here..but it is aobut 3 degrees below normal and it just wouldn''t work..We are soo soo glad to see you!1 Love and hugs A+A
Hey Asta, glad to see you again!!!
That sure looks fun. And what a pretty pool it is..
~ Bae
I'm sowwy I got youw invitation too late..I was aweady on my way cwoss countwy in my snowmobile..I would have loved to come swim wif yoou..maybe I could come some othew time??
I ope you'we having a wondewful time splish splashing away
love and smoochie kisses
OMdoG Asta! You've got your own pawsonal pool?! Can Hershey and I come round for a dip?
Happy New Year our friend Asta!!!
Long time and no see! We're glad you're back!! Whoa, your mom was so busy last year!! We're also glad that you were looked after so well... :) We'll be looking forward to reading your update.
Ohhh... you have your own pool. We miss summer.. we miss the sunshine.
Your friends
Momo & Pinot
Happy new year Asta.
Just stopping by to say hello and be jelous about your weather. I'm having snow here back in Slovenia..when summer comes, I'll have a swimming pool too;-)
Nice to meet you,
I could do that here, but I'd up with an ice rink lol. Have fun!
Simba x
I like the pool you have !!! That's just so cool !!
That's a cute pool. Looks like you have fun. I don't really like water of any sort including rain.And of course it makes my furs frizzy!!! Where's the kittie??
Wiry wags, Eric xx
Are you having fun in your pool? It's freezing here in the UK! J x
!!!! Beautiful pool ! Did you already choose your bikini ?
Kisses, Faya
C'mon, Asta! I want to see your furprise, girl!
As one pool hound to another, don't ya just LOVE jumping in and out of that cool water on a hot summer day?! It's the BEST!
Goober love & smooches,
Hi Asta!
Great to SEE YOU! Your POOL is greatest ever! OMG! My baby brothers gotted a pool tooest! I was NOT allowed IN, can you believe it????? Maybe when it gets warm at MY house again! Maybe?????
Love, Putter ...:)
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