Asta's Guest Book!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nursie Dweam Team on the Move & Help from Mum

G'day Pals, Our fwiend Axel's mum is sick, and us Asta's awe back in action as the Nursie Dweam Team. Asta NYC is making lots of food to help out and I'm giving expewt Nursie attention.

Mum is also doing hew best to help by pwaying fow Axel and his mum at the western Wall in Jerusalem. Mum says you can leave notes fow God in the wall and he listens. We hope Axel's mum is feeling bettew soon!


Asta said...

Thank Dog you awwived Asta awe such an expawt and a hooge help..all the youngew nuwsies awe looking to you fow diwection..between us and youw Mom's supew pwayews I think Axel's mom is suwe to get well
love and smoochie kisses

Princess Patches said...

Between all the nursing help you doggies are providing and your mom's prayers, we're sure Axel's mom will be good as new very soon!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Noah the Airedale said...

Wow what a team. I think Axel's mum will be better in no time.

Noah x

Katie and Gizmo said...

Hi Nurse Asta's, don't you two look cute!

Do people look silly talking to a wall? My Grandma used to talk to plants which was funny.

Feel better Axel's mum.

Hugz & Lickz

Eduardo said...

What a great team! I'm be snuggling & Mommy will be praying!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Yogui said...

Is Fantastic... we have dog nurses now. Visits to Vet will be more funny.

Duke said...

We're sure that with you and Asta on the job, Axel's mom will be better in no time at all! What a very cool wall!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

We are hoping the same and sending healing vibes.

Lorenza said...

Paws crossed for Axel's mom!
Kisses and hugs

Bae Bae said...

You'll make a pawsome nurse and I know you doggies will take good care of Axel's mom

~ Bae

Cassie said...

Glad you Astas teleported to help (my love)Lacie with her nursing duties.We hear that Axel's mama is feeling better,so your nursing skills and your mum's prayers are working good.Good work team! hugs from Hootie(Welshie) & BabyRocketDog (Airedale)

NESSA the hovawart said...

Yipee, we're having our own nurses!! Thank god you are here! I think Asta's mom is fealling better already!
Love and hugs,

Simba and Jazzi said...

Get well soon Axel's Mum.

Simba and Jazzi

Eric said...

Aw, that's worth being ill for been nursied by the Asta Twinnies. And Mom'n note at the wall will do the trick, lovely.
Wiry wags, Eric xx

Stanley said...

Axel's mama is in good paws with you and your twinny nurse on the job! I wondered if those photos were of your mama at the Western Wall. We're praying here too!

I forgot how cute you two look in your nursie uniforms.

Goober love,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Looks like you did the trick as I heard that Axel's mum is feeling better! Good work from the dream team! J x