G’day Pals,
I’ve been pretty busy, since I’ve gone to stay with the Figgs, while waiting for my mum to return from the Middle East. Although my life has become pretty routine, it’s never dull. When I’m not surfing at Bell’s Beach or Torquay, I spend most of my day in the yard with the Figgs’ 4 Cairn terriers. Keeping them in line all day is pretty exhausting!
My favorite Cairn is Judah because he likes to play. Right now, our favorite game is tug-o-war. Everyone in the house thinks we’re very funny because we both growl very loudly when we are pulling on a toy! So far we’ve only broken one toy, but we will try to do better and break lots more. Judah is getting older and he is pretty worn out, by the end of the day. I think he’s having a birthday paw-tay this week when he turns 8 and his mum Zorah is nearly 15!
I used to sleep on Billy’s bed everynight, but now I’ve made a switcheroo and I sleep on Ellen’s bed because she has been taking me for a run every night along the local creek! Given that Ellen is a teenager with a busy social life, it’s really nice of her to spend so much time with me.
When we walk everyone stops to ask Ellen what kind of a dog I am. I always have a good bark about this because it’s so funny and I love being the center of attention on my walks! I moved to Melbourne from Brisbane because there aren’t many Fox Terriers in Australia.
With all of this activity, I try to sleep in most mornings. Now that it is fall, I will probably stop surfing soon and the mornings are a lot cooler. Mandy, always has to get me out from under Ellen’s doona (comforter) now for my morning pee, but afterward I run straight back to bed and hide under the covers for another hour or so, until the kids go to school, then I start my work day on guard dog duty!