G'day Pals
Mum has been working so very hard these last few weeks - late nights evwy night and she has bad insomnia. She still finds time to take me for 1-2 hour walks/runs evwy day. She says it helps hewe sleep better. I can't believe she hasn't had time to work on either of our blogs for almost a month!
We always walk or jog a mile to Princes Park where our beloved Blues used to play. Then we visit the dog section of the park. Here you can see me with my pal Axel - he's a massive and with my other pal Conor, who is a Cavy. Cavy's are popular here in Oz. Then mum and I go running through the middle of the fields and you can see the skyline of Melbourne in the backwound. We do this almost evwy day, so life is pwetty routine.
About the only blog I've had time to visit is the one of my thin twin, Asta up over. And we didn't even have time to watch all of hewr clever videos - we just wead about her fun activities. We do always twy to make the weekly chat that Bussie has to keep up wif my pals.
Mum is going to Los Angeles in 2 weeks and she has so much to do to get weady. She says she has to write a confewence paper, whatever that means????
Plus she has to mark papwews and final exams and theses. I offewed to mawk them fow herw but she says that wouldn't help. I don't know why. We'rew weally sowy we haven't been awound lately. Mum hopes to catch up on evwything duwing the Chwistmas times.
Happy Halloween pals!