Happy New Year Pals,
I had the bestest New Year ever here. It happened after mum and her booz soaked associates sampled beers and ate pizza at a local bar. Evwyone came back for me and took me to a pool pawty wif one of mum’s students. Yes, a real swimming pool! It was in the middle of a big apartment building just like the TV show, Melrose Place. It was over 40 C (over 100 F) hewe - the hottest ever NYE in Melbourne! At midnight, all of the pawty peeps jumped into the pool. I got soooo excited! I ran round and round the pool bawking. Finally I mustered my cowage jumped in. It was sooo cool, it was pawtastic. I swam round and round the pool - mum could not keep up wif me, and then I rode on a boogie board, and then I swam some more. There was also another doggie there - a cocker spaniel named Elton. He kept dunking my head under, but I swam longer than him. Then I wan round the pool and bawked some more and swam some more. It was gweat. Stupid mum didn’t bwing her camewa, but she came in swimming wif me. I hadn’t been in a real pool since last NYE when the Figgs took me swimming and I messed up the Ph balance. I’m zausted now from all of the laps I swam.
And later, I joind the round the World International Chat Pawty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was held by Dogs with Blogs. I stawted chatting about noon on New Year's Dav and got to ring in the New Year and talk of my exploits to my best buddies: Bussie, Gussie, Jax, Butchy and Miss Snickers, Asta NY, Momo, Ruby, Precious, Snowball, Jaffe, Opy & Charlie, Ruby, Joey, Faya, and too many mowe to count. I feel we've gotten 2008 off to a gweat start!