I figured that because my mum found boxes upon boxes of bones she would bring them back to me for my pain and suffering of being abandoned for 8 1/2 months. But what does she bring me? She brings a rock from the Philistine hearth she excavated. She is a excited about this stupid rock. Tell me, have you ever eaten or chewed a rock? She said the bones had to be studied, and analyzed and put into a putter. So, Putter is getting all the bones???? Then she says she has a special gift for me. But it's even worse than the rock!
Asta's Guest Book!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Where Are the Bones?????
I figured that because my mum found boxes upon boxes of bones she would bring them back to me for my pain and suffering of being abandoned for 8 1/2 months. But what does she bring me? She brings a rock from the Philistine hearth she excavated. She is a excited about this stupid rock. Tell me, have you ever eaten or chewed a rock? She said the bones had to be studied, and analyzed and put into a putter. So, Putter is getting all the bones???? Then she says she has a special gift for me. But it's even worse than the rock!
Even worse than a rock!

Mum said she had a really gweat pwezzie for me, but it turns out she bought this humiliating hat in the Bangkok airport! Oh, the Shame! She said it was cute and that she was inspired by all the clothes that Tadpole's massah buys for him. If you've read Tad's blog lately, you'll know he twied to mail himself somewhere to stop massah fwom buying those clothes! Dad says that this hat makes me look like a CHAV. I am soooo disappointed!
A Real Prezzie for Asta At Lasta!

I managed to get one of those scrumptious pig ears away from mum when she dropped one. She doesn't give them out evwyday. What can I do to cherish and pwotect it? Of course, I took it stwaight to the garden and buried it! How can I thank mum for this blessing? Maybe I'll dig it up in a few days, then bwing it in the house and shake the dirt all over the living woom! I know mum weally likes this because evwy time I do it, she gets soooo excited. Hooray! I'm soooo happy now! Especially because mum did wemember to get me a good prezzie.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Goodbye Friend Oscar: 28th May 2006-28 July 2007
Why Mum Hasn't Been Helping Me Blog
Friday, July 20, 2007
The Reunion!!!!

G'day Pals,
Sowy it took me so long to post these photos of my big homecoming after my mum being in Israel for 8 LONG months. Mum has been weally tiwered fwom her twip and digging and she had to go back to work today. She has to give a lecture on Tuesday. I don't know what that is, but it doesn't sound as much fun as a pig ear.
Mum is in the middle as Grant and Mandy Figg pose wif us. They are weally gweat people for taking good cawe of me for 8 months.
The first thing I did when they put me down is pee! I was sooo excited, but mum just thinks I was marking my spot.
After that, I played wif my favowite rope toy, I showed mum I still wemembered my twicks like laying down, I had some dinner, and then I layed down and took a west while mum and dad went acwoss the stweet to the pub to celebwate mum's and my homecoming.
I'll have some pictures of our fun weekend soon!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
1 More Day/Halfway Home!/My Favowite Book

G'day Pals,
Mum just contacted me from the airport in Bangkok. She is leaving for Melbourne in just 5 hours and she will be home on Friday afternoon. She says she is sorry she hasn't been able to help me blog much in the last 2 weeks, but she only had about 15 minutes for internet because she was busy with all of those wonderful bones. She says most of her internet time was taken up with something called spam. I don't know what it is, but it sounds like food!
Asta up over asked me to list my favowite books. I'm not as cultured as her, so I've only read The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett. My mum reads a lot of this deconstwuction stuff but I don't understand this. I like it when she shows me pictures of old bones!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
THWEE MORE DAYS!!!! & My Bones

G'day Pals,
Mum will be home in just 3 more days on Friday! And, best of all: look at all of the swell bones she dug up with her friends at the Philistine site of Tel es Safi. I'm not sure what a Philistine is, but it seems like they sure enjoyed their food! I just hope mum brings all of those bones home to compensate me for my pain and suffering of being away fwom her for 8 1/2 whole months. I'm soooo excited, I've just peed again!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
6 more days!
G'day Pals,
I'm so excited. Mum left her dig at Kibbutz Revadim and Tel es Safi to go back to Jerusalem and pack to come home. Because of her packing, she could not help me send out as many messages as I would like. She says she's finding lots of dried up bones on the dig and she also helped to uncover a Philistine hearth! Absence makes the hearth grow fonder. She has some photos on her blog at www.lahconfidential.blogspot.com
I'm sooooo excited, I peeed again!
I'm so excited. Mum left her dig at Kibbutz Revadim and Tel es Safi to go back to Jerusalem and pack to come home. Because of her packing, she could not help me send out as many messages as I would like. She says she's finding lots of dried up bones on the dig and she also helped to uncover a Philistine hearth! Absence makes the hearth grow fonder. She has some photos on her blog at www.lahconfidential.blogspot.com
I'm sooooo excited, I peeed again!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Getting Ready for Mum & Meme
Some of you asked me about what kind of welcome home pawty we are planning for mum. She's going to be pretty tired from the 20 hour flight and the 10 hour stopover in Bangkok, so we're just doing something simple. Something else that I haven't told you about me is that we live across the street from a pub - the Brandon. Dad likes this aspect of Australia a lot and mum says it's like having our own pwivate beer tap. Mum and dad met the Figgs here. So the Figgs are bwinging me home on July 20 and we're all going to the pub to celebwate! Mum will be packing next weekend, so she won't be helping me post, but she may have time to help me visit some of my pals. In the meantime you can read some more about me:
1. Your age? 2 1/2 years
2. Your age when came to live with your people? 2 months
3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? Blue for the Carlton Blues, my favorite footy team
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? The Figgs who are taking care of me till mum comes home
5. How much do you weigh? 8 kgs
6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up? My mum’s 1 gig memory stick
7. Do you like other Dogs? Yes
8. Who is your best non-human friend? Asta up over & close to home, I play with Judah
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls? Tennis Balls!
10. Do you like to be brushed? No
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? Cheese! Some Gruyere & a nice chianti
12. Do your people cut your toenails? The Groomer does it
13. Any formal education? Puppy pre-school
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? I’m a Fox Terrier, draw your own conclusions
15. Five nicknames your people call you. Asta No, P-Asta, Pain in the Asta, Girly Girl, Asta Baby,
16. What is your best trick? I can roll over
17. Do you like kitties? They’re delish!
18. What did you have for breakfast? Chicken necks
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? I shake my rope toy till its dead.
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? About 2 months ago for vaccinations
21. Where do you sleep at night? In between mum & dad or in Ellen Figg’s bed
22. Do you like to swim? I love to swim! Check out my surf cam!
23. Can you make puppies? Make them do what?
24. Your favorite place to visit? The Park
25. Do you give kisses? Smoochie kisses to Asta and Jackson!
26. Can you potty on command? Yes, when they say “ hurry up” I pee and then I go to my treat jar & wait for my tweat
27. To Cuz or not to Cuz? Cuz & Kongs Bore me, I like rope toys & pig ears
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Countdown to Mum

G'day Pals
Happy 4th of July. Being a true blue Aussie girl, I don't get these things, but mum is a yank (we call all Americans yanks), she sawys it's weal important. That's when she & all her mates got freed fwom the Bwitish. They just sent all of us to a big pwison.
Mum hasn't been helping me blog much cause she's been packing to finally come home. She's going to dig up old bones on Sunday for 10 days at a Philistine place, then she's coming home in just 16 days! She leaves Israel on July 18 and reaches Aussie land on July 20 - I'm sooo excited, I could just pee! I hope she at least brings me some of her dusty old bones. Mum and her mates are digging in the photo.
Meanwhile, my best pal, Judah the cairn, hurt his foot. Crikey! you should have seen how big and swollen it was. My poor little mate was very upset. The vet thinks that he's either been bitten by a bug, had an allergy, or sprained his foot - maybe playing too much wif me! And, then because it was sore he licked it so much that it became infected. Poor Judah has been on 2 weeks of antibiotics and some anti-inflammatories and he is good as new. Mandy Figg - who takes care of me till mum gets home noticed I was a bit put out because Judah wouldn't play chasies with me around the house. I love chasies almost as much as playing nursie wif Jackson! I kept going up to him and sniffing his foot and then giving him a dirty look - cause I only give nursie cuddles to Jackson and I wanted to Judah to play. Everyone thought it was vewy funny. You can see Judah in the picture wif me.
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