But I have been vewy bad. Mum took me for our regular 2 hour walk and I wrolled in a pile of vomit that I found in the pawk. It smelled so pawtastic - it was even better than the dead bird I wolled in a couple of weeks ago and my usual bat poo and possum poo perfume, but mum was weally upset. She said my behaviowr was enough to make hewr sick and she took me stwaight to the public bathwoom and washed it all off, but it didn't get wid of that pewfume-like awoma, so she gave me another bathf. She is making a face because of the fwagwant awoma. She just doesn't have any taste! No, don't wash it away.
Oh, woe is me!
You must have smelled truly delicious, Asta! hehehehe
Sorry about the bath!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Mmmmm, vomit! Humans have no taste, do they! J x
humans are so very dramatic aren't they. Just when we get to smelling how we like they RUIN IT!
Oooo, vomit flavored Asta! Hahahaha!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You look so pretty, though!
Haaa haaaa that is so funny Asta. Our pinky is making a face too....I guess they don't like that kind of thing.
Bet your happy your mum is back. Your new toys look great.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
hi Asta :)
well, what is the human thinking ? humans are just humans .... let them be, and yeah, roll in more vomit next time :)
Have a great Christmas and New year. Can't wait to catch up with all the blogs when I get back.
Simba xx
Humans are so strange sometimes!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Glad that you got even with your mom..she look like she had a bath too!!
Luna -tic
Asta I just know that you smell SO good ':¬}
i'm so sad we didn't manage to catch a whiff of that heavenly scent before you got hauled off for that bath! agh! must've been truly delicious!
Merry xmas & happy new year in advanced!!!
Oh My!!!
Tail wags
Scrappy and Pebbles
Oh boy... You look sad about the bath Asta.
~ Girl girl
I'm sowwy I haven't visited..I didn't know you wewe back!! Welcome..I missed you!!!!
I don't know why the hoomans have such bad taste, they nevew appweciate ouw delicious awomas we woll in..heheheyouw Mom looks like my Mommi aftew she gives me a bath...sopping wet!
did you see I've been in a couple of movies??and plus I went Ice skating and you also missed my cawwoling pawty..youw Mom has a lot to answew fow!!!
smoochie kisses
Asta twinny
Sorry about the bath, Asta. Why don't humans get it? I bet the vomit smelled marvelous. Too bad your mom couldn't appreciate it.
Your friend, Lenny
My Old Girl always says I is stinky when I is not, too!
Woof, Fred
P.S. I likes your blog.
Oh Asta,
You find all the best stuff!! You are just so good at that. I wish I had some of your talent. You are very lucky. It is a shame that your mom does not appreciate your good taste.
Koobuss Kisses,
Hope you woke up to find lots of gifties that need unwrapping ':¬}
Merry Christmas!
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