Uh Oh! I was clipped and looking very neat and tidy – until I got home, then I immediately plunged my head into a bucket of water and wet my new, very punk looking eyebrows! After a full day in the doggy salon and a long walk by Ellen, Grant and Mandy’s daughter, I was a very tired little doggy.
Mandy calls me a waterdog because I spend hours in my “swimming pool ,” a large plastic container that they fill up, and then throw things in for me to dive in and retrieve. I also enjoy chasing the "hose" when the garden is being watered.
Whenever it is hot out I just throw myself in the water until I cool off!
Last year when Louise was in Cyprus, the Figgs took me to Grant’s sister’s house and when I saw their pool, I dove straight in and joined the game of pool volleyball and even got on one of the surfboards! I asked for a cocktail, but they wouldn’t give me one. Afterward, I played chasy and kissy face with Fergus, the Scotty, and now Mandy thinks we are in love.
As you can see in this photo of Murphy, I’m not the only WFT that likes to surf, but Crikey! Surfing and digging are part of my Aussie lifestyle. I just wish I had a photo of me on the surfboard!