G'day Pals, I'm enjoying my summer, while dad slaves away to buy me pig eaws. I love my pool. I know some of you awe cold like poor Koobie. I wish you could all come down hewe and have a pool pawty wif me. The pool also serves a pwactical puwpose. I love water so much that I tip ovew my water dish, so this is too big to tip over. When I get a break from all of this fun, I'll tell you more about my furprise!

Guess what Pals, I stopped swimming long enough to collect this award from Nessa, my Hovawart pal in Slovenia. The coolest thing is that Nessa made this award herself. I could never do that. I learned that Hovawart means "estate guard dog." Nessa's blog is really bootiful and it's bilingual. I want to encourage evwyone to visit sweet Nessa.
Ummm...we are gonna organize aire Ruby flights immediately.
Asta, that looks like so much fun. You should come up and play in our pond.
You are so lucky, our pool is frozen!
Hi, Asta!
I can see you are enjoying your summer!
A pool party sounds great!
I am still waiting for your surprise!
Kisses and hugs
you must be kidding. Do you know what snow is?? Brrrrrr....please,please,please, send me some hot summer! Well, snow doesn't bother me so much, but my mummy says, that she would live somewhere, where temperature would be arround 25C;-) Too bad for her hehe...
Lots of love,
Your pool looks so tempting, Asta!
Right now more snow is falling from the sky at our house!
Do we really live on the same earth?! hehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oooooo you are so lucky!!! Here is sooo cold!
Thank you for the awaaaard!!!
We are seconding Gussies post..Love A+A
We are enjoying some nice weather too and I feel bad that most of my friends are freezing their butts off. Can't wait to hear more about the furprise!
Asta twinny
you awe a giwl aftew my own heawt..you weally know how to enjoy youwself..What fun!
smoochie kisses
Water is NEVER fun. Not ever. It's too much like taking a bath. J x
Hi Twinny
Thank you fow the awawd..I'll post it soon..You'w pool looks like the best fun..whewe do I find Nessa?
smoochie kisses
Oh Asta, that look really fun!!!
slurpy licks,
That's so fun. I wish I can swim too so that I can go to the pool
~ Bae
Hi Twinny
Thank you fow Nessa's addwess..what a cutie!
Mommi keeps fowgetting to put my awawds on and thank you..sowwwy..we'll do it next post..Mommi is so fowgetful sometimes..OLD!
hope you had anothew gweat swimmyday
love and smoochie kisses
Hot sounds good,water not!Though in the summer I do stand in my water dish to cool my paws!! Looks as though you are having the bestest time Asta but put the sunblock on.
Wiry wags, Eric xx
Oh, my Mom just loves ta get in the pool but I tell ya if we got our pool out right now, we would be ice skatin' on it.....no fair that ya have summer weather now....did anyone tell ya that sharin' is godly ? Send it on over here....
Dewey Dewster here....
I love to soak in the water too. Isn't it just great to be doing that in summer?
Summer! You are lucky and I will take you up on the pool party! My cousin Tula has a water bowl trick too... check it out on her blog... how not to get your dinner entry http://deel34.blogspot.com/
Thanks for stopping by to visit me!
Oh, Asta Baby!
We here in GooberStan LOVE to swim, so we may be heading on down your way to test out your pool to see if it's goober tough! You look like you sure know how to use it all on your own, though.
Congratulations on your award. That's so cool that your friend made it herself.
Now, what about this furprise...?
Goober love,
Certainly looks like you are having fun there.
Simba x
Water and stuff is nasty. You must be one tough dog.
Hi Asta,
What a great way to cool down!!
Asta, we love seeing you having so much fun cooling down in your little pool. You always know just how to have fun during those hot days. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
World of Animals
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