G'day Pals, We are getting closer to revealing my furprise to the world. Just a little while longer and you will know all! Muwahahahahahahah, Muwahahahahahah
Ooooh, Twinny Those awe sowt of sneeekie eyes, hehehe..maybe youw sissfuww? It was Mywna my Wheeley sistew who got to go into the chuwch fow the in aug oowation. While you wewe gone, I got a wheeley sissie..she oosooally posts on Wednesdays when I let hew, hehehe have fun at the Figgs! smoochie kisses ASTA
G'day Asta matie Did we say how good it is to have you back blogging. We sure missed you last year. Now about those eyes. We have a feeling they dont belong to a dog hehehe.
Oh my dog !!!! That looks like cats eyes fer sure.....I hope yer a better wire around cats than we are....of course Eric can tell ya how ta behave around 'em....good luck...
Hi Twinny I woke up too late fow chat..I was exhausted fwom having Petey and my fuzzbwat bwuvvew visiting..does youw suwpwise exhaust you too?? smoochie kisses Twinny Asta
This sounds very exciting. We can't wait to see what you furprise is going to be. Those gorgeous eyes of yours are the best. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your week. World of Animals
I was born in Brisbane on Nov. 23, 2004 to a litter of two at Quinvale Kennels, and I was flown to my home in Melbourne in late January 2005. There aren't many WFT's in Australia and my humans, Louise & Brian, were on a waiting list for about 9 months to get me. Brian says that when you wait 9 months for a baby, it's usually less furry. Being cute let's me get away with a lot and being a wirehaired fox terrier means I always try. Sometimes I have trouble understanding my humans' funny American accents, but watching a lot of American TV shows with Louise helps. Louise is an archaeologist and that means she travels a lot, so I sometimes have to stay with my friends, the Figgs. When she's here, it's great because we go for long walks or runs every day! There are not many of us WFT's in Australia and I'm always confused with airedale's and schnauzer's. Most people also get my name wrong, calling me Esther, Astro, or Astra. Those few who have seen the Thin Man, however, know it's ASTA.
Spring is almost here!
Hello my friends! It's me, Juno!
Me... giving sad puppy eyes to mom while she was working at home.
I hope you survived the winter safely.
The winter w...
Happy New Year!
From all of us here at Ao4 Headquarters, we wish you a safe and happy New
Year's Eve ...
[image: IMG_3896MagsRagnar]
*"On the stroke of midnight, we shr...
I turned 10 yesterday.. and it’s been six years since I was adopted. What a
ton of adventures I had had.
On top of everything that happened here.. I move...
Just the Two of Us
THE Gruesome Twosome. Me and mama. She just can’t help herself. And
what can I say, the human heart just doesn’t have enough lovin’-capacity to
Penyebab Diabetes dan cara sederhana mencegahnya
Seseorang yang terkena *diabetes* karena organ tubuh yaitu pankreas tidak
bisa lagi mengeluarkan hormon yang diperlukan yang memproduksi insulin.
Insulin ...
Trik Ampuh dan Mudah Untuk Mempercepat IDM
*Trik Ampuh dan Mudah Untuk Mempercepat IDM *- Untuk anda yang memakai
internet modem berkecepatan yang tengah, jadi umumnya IDM bakal mengatur
dengan car...
nevew fowget I love you
Deaw sweet Fuwwiends,
I'm almost nevew on Bloggie anymowe, but I wanted to tell you I'm thinking
of all of you this Chwissmuss season and wish you all goo...
(Remembering you... happy and alert)
My dearest Lorenza:
I want to thank to you to come into my life to enrich it. You taught me to
be patient, tolera...
Hey everypawdy! Sorry we have been really busy and left this site to rot,
like literally. A lot have happen in our household. Well kind of? We are
sad to a...
Tin Tin Liston: August 1998 – 15 May 2014
Yesterday my beautiful boy left us; he didn't quite make 16 years here.
This photo from just five days ago is the story of an old dog's goodbye to
his l...
Interviewed by Fred
Our good pal Fred, the Bichon King invited me and Teka to be the PREMIER interviewees
in his new project on his blog.
He asked us some pretty hard question...
Definition of *Centenarian*:
Yup, that would be ME!
You see, I have a public Facebook page that anyone can access even if you
don't have a FB accoun...
Brother bonding
Hey everyone, sorry for the long hiatus. It's just that life has been very
routine, so there's not much in terms of updates.
My baby brother's growing up...
For Auld Lang Syne
*With my thoughts somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge, for my dear Jake, who
would have turned 12 this New Year's Day, I visited Bob and Sophie's blog
over a...
A slightly belated Christmas wish from us.. We hope everyone had a
wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year ahead!! Wherever you are, we are
sending hea...
Guarding the Sofa
We work hard all day long especially now that Mom is home most of the time.
Here we are slaving away:
Andy and Sherman
Roxie and Sammy
Okay, g...
So we got some snow.......
Hi Everyone!
I am sure you have all heard that we had a heck of a snowstorm yesterday.
We were very fortunate that we did not ever lose power, so we were ...
Flashdance, the Musical starring Scruffy
Stan here....so guess what!!! We had a real musical premier in in
Pittsburgh this week. Over-sized sweatshirts....leg warmers...can you
guess????? FLASHD...
Me got pressies too!!
Nice Auntie Nhi from far far away got Jaffaman and my Sunshade nice fings,
see see,
Mummy said to Jaffaman you sit sit and stay stay next to Sunshade ok...
Woofing at you every doggie! How's your wiggers wagging? Now.I know. Long
time no see. But see. Been busy. Preparing for my dig day. Or is that big
day? I'...
6 Years Old Today
Hello to all my furry kid friends. I'm 6 years old today.
I had a great Birthday. Mom gave me a nice steak bone to chew on and before
she left for work ...
Not at home
Or rather - moved home.
All Pippadog posts now over on my wordpress blog here. Please note, blogger
pals, I have asked you to let me know if you have any p...
She's Doesn't Play DogBall, Either
Way back when I first came to live with The Family, my main job was to be a
companion to My Boy. He wanted a dog he could teach tricks, and I was just
Dog days of summer. . . . I think not
They call it the dog days of summer and for once in my life I don't know
something. Why are they the dog days of summer? I certainly can't enjoy
them when ...
Farewell old chum...
A year ago today Jackson passed away, so very peacefully. I think of him
often and J2 and I both miss him dearly. We would like to thank you, his
blog read...
Farewell, sweet Lenny
Lenny died last night after having a stroke. He lived a happy 12 years, 7
of which were shared with our family. He brought us joy and humor every
single d...
A Big Catchup
Hi there,
It's me, Boomer and I'm just a freaky as ever! I have a lot of updating to
do so lets get to it, shall we?
First of all, if you don't remember t...
Piper is home!
Piper is home! Can you even believe it? Ah, the power of prayer!
some words from Cheryl---
*I am happy to say my Girl is back home. Doesnt that sound a...
We farewell our friend Colin Harries
Yesterday the 3rd March our best friend Colin Harries crossed the rainbow
Lymphoma was diagnosed in late January and after unsuccessful chemotherap...
Its an all new website regularly updated with nothing but photosss!
Oh, don't we love them. My hooman is also attempting to vary the photos of...
Well Hello!
It's been awhile! We are so thankful for everyones' prayers and love! Mommy
and I did take a break for awhile and are not very sure when we will be
back, w...
El Trono Real, una pequeña historia
Hola amig@s… esta historia comienza un poquito después del día de Reyes,
aquel en que me convertí en “Rey”[image: del Roscón!!!]Como nuevo Rey
empecé a p...
Sophie and Balto
Balto has been staying with us quite a bit this fall.
It is safe to say that,
even if only by default,
Balto has become her best fr...
Not sure why but human, feline and canines love my bed.
I will talk about the feline species first.
My sister, Ginger (who was the boss) use to fight with...
We know we haven't been around and we are sorry but we are going to ask a
favor of you all.
Our dad has been in Afghanstain for over a month now and we are...
Time flies like wires
I am 10 this year and Mango is 9.
Mum says that everyday with wires (Us!) has been a blessing and bonus.
Me on the right, Mango on the left.
We think so ...
Fortune Cookie Fiend
A little known fact about me is that I am a FIEND for fortune cookies. I
just love that crunchy, sweet goodness... AND you get a little look at your
Mi último post - My last post
Hola a todos.
Con este post, damos por cerrado este blog. No le borraremos, se quedará
así. Para el que quiera recordar las aventuras de ese magnífico perro...
True Colors Thursday
What? Oh I've missed so many Thursdays I've lost count and FINALLY we
We did find some things around here rainbow-like...
An old soda-can insul...
Week 4: Tell es-Safi/Gath
Week 4 found us with a much reduced team as most of the undergraduates
returned to classes. The week was spent drawing sections, then taking down
the shad...
my girl is so lucky
Sometimes Mean Sister Fig and I can't wait until my girl gets done washing
her face and brushing her teeth to fall asleep. And on nights like that
(okay, e...
Not Allowed to Swim...Bammer...
Jie jie brought me to the Reservoir the other day. It was really hot and I
can't find the way to get into the water. I just dun understand why. It was
a ho...
Today - Memorial Day
Today is a day to remember & appreciate those who gave their lives and
fight for every one's right of freedom!
We would like to "THANKS" all those folks!
Nessa is going to be mommy:-)))
My dear friends!
It's been a while since my last post - again:-) A lot of things has
happened and my mommy posted it on my web site, so you're very welcome ...
The Seven Year Bitch December 10, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
That's right, it's a day that is all about me! My ...
Thank you to Williams-FoxterrierForum
Thank you to everyone at
for all your kind words and support!
Norman RIP my little angel-doggie
wohoooo .... im back !!!
Contrary to popular believe, I have not gone missing, I am still alive and
kicking and yes !!! I AM BACK NOW !!!!
ok, just a quick updates of what i have b...
Kaylie's 3
It was Kaylie's 3rd birthday 2 sundays ago. It was raining on & off; so we
didn't get to do much except going to the pet shop to get some treats & a
new to...
Hi Friends!
MY boys and I were hanging around today having a snack on the deck and
guess WHAT?????? They gave me a NEW NAME! MY BOYS CALL ME ANNIE! Why, I...
We are BACK!!!
Hey Everypups! We are finally back after a looooooooooong break!! We also
realise that we have been away for so long. Can you believe it..this is
actually ...
Swimming during weekend
As promised.. daddy did brought me for a swim at nearby lake last weekend..
And daddy did take some video shotting of me swimming, actually a lot of
them t...
G'day gorgeous furry friends
Hi beautiful four legged furry friends,
Just a quick note to let you all know that we are fine - just slack I say.
BUT I shouldn't be too hard on the "old ma...
I want my bone!
I have some chew bones which my pawrents are hiding from me. I keep asking
them where it is. "WHERE ARE MY BONES?!"They ignored me.. so I keep on
Mummy, where are you? =(
Suddenly the house is so empty with no one to give me treats, no one to
secretly sneak onto the bed with, and most importantly, no...
Is this for real?
I was just going through my chatbox and came across this...
My celebrity-look-alike said "Hi!"....and my mom being a "blur"
(translated...not very bright...
flashy pants week
i am sulking in a corner now because i am feeling very itchy and scratchy
around my peepee. here's what happened:
* mom found droplets of blood on the tile...
Hello everydoggy! Just wanted to update you on my "almost" little brother
- Cujo. Here he is with me in our matching jumpers:
When mummy brought him home ...
Hi Everydog
Okay, lets be honest. I feel like crap.
Mom, Stop!!!!
Besides feeling like crap i am okay.
I have to take like 5 diff rent kinds so med...
Better Late than Never!
Oh My!
I can't even BEGIN to tell you all what it took for me to get mum to post
on my blog! Although, I must admit, I keep mum awfully busy! I don't let
Ooooh, Twinny
Those awe sowt of sneeekie eyes, hehehe..maybe youw sissfuww?
It was Mywna my Wheeley sistew who got to go into the chuwch fow the in aug oowation.
While you wewe gone, I got a wheeley sissie..she oosooally posts on Wednesdays when I let hew, hehehe
have fun at the Figgs!
smoochie kisses
Nice eyes... Are they dangerous? because I feel a terrible cat behind it.
G'day Asta matie
Did we say how good it is to have you back blogging. We sure missed you last year.
Now about those eyes. We have a feeling they dont belong to a dog hehehe.
Happy Australia Day weekend!!!!
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
ps.. aint it hot!
OMD ! That cat's eye is scary i should say !
That's a tabby furprise isn't it?! Mom says cute, I say evil.
Here I thought is was a Davy Crockett hat!
Guess I don't win again
I KNEW IT!! omdog, can we come chase it??
Hi, Asta!
Two scary eyes!
When we are going to meet him???
Kisses and hugs
YIKES, those are very sneaky-looking eyes, Asta! Make sure you watch what's behind you!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey, Asta Baby!
We can't wait to see the rest of your furprise. Boy or girl? Friend or foe? C'mon, girlie! We want to KNOW!
Goober love,
Those eyes look a bit sly to me.
Simba x
Crikey oh Riley!!! I'm sure that kitties giving me the evil eye....
Worried wags,Eric xx
Oh my dog !!!! That looks like cats eyes fer sure.....I hope yer a better wire around cats than we are....of course Eric can tell ya how ta behave around 'em....good luck...
Dewey Dewster here....
I recognise those sort of eyes - and I want to come and chase them right now.
Hi Twinny
I woke up too late fow chat..I was exhausted fwom having Petey and my fuzzbwat bwuvvew visiting..does youw suwpwise exhaust you too??
smoochie kisses
Twinny Asta
This sounds very exciting. We can't wait to see what you furprise is going to be. Those gorgeous eyes of yours are the best. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals
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