Happy New Year Pals! Sowy I haven't been keeping up my blog, but my mum will offer an explanation below.
Mum has been wowking in Israel since November and gets back on 1 March. My dad is taking good cawe of me meanwhile. Fow Kwiznuz, I had a nice big steak wif my dad and his two fwiends that he bar b q'ed wif and they came back for dwinks and cawds fow New Year's Eve. As you can see, dad liked the big wet sloppy kiss I gave him at midnight. He said that having a bootiful (and modest) girl to kiss him on New Years (yours truly) made him fowget all about mum being away. He says he like the way I stick my tongue up his nose, but enough of the kinky stuff. He was also gwateful I didn't take any kitty "tootsie wolls" fwom the cat's treat box - more about her soon! I think the I-phone mum bought him fow Kwiznuz also helped put the smile back on his face. In the next weeks, I'll be bwinging you up to date on my recent adventures!
Hi, Asta!
I can see your mom has been very busy!
Glad to know everything is ok with you all!
Happy New Year!
Kisses and hugs
Asta Twinny
So gald to see you and obvuiously ouw twinness applies to the kind of kissies we give too, hehehe..good thing ouw pawents like it.
Mommi gave Daddi an I-phone fow his Birfday and he loves it lots..so no wondew youw Dad has a smile..of couwse it can't compawe to the kisses..those awe pwiceless.
I visited a fwiend's kitty and twied the tootsie wolls..loved them..Mommi ..not so much, hehehe
smoochie kisses
ASTA twinny
pee ess my head is lots bettew thank you, that ice bag wowks
So happy to see ya back, WE MISSED YOU!!!!!!
I hope 2009 is a PAWSOME year for you and your family :)
Love & Big Aire Kisses,
Do I get a special commendation for regularly checking in on your blog and leaving cheeky comments in your c-box? Welcome back, Asta! J X
It was so nice to chat with you, Asta! What a treat!
Happy New Year!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hello Asta! I'm wagging my wig like mad!!!Made my day when you came over to visit me. Imagine, I've now got a squarie cousin down under..boy oh boy..thanks for visiting me. Have a fab New Year you and your leggededs. I'll be wagging by to see you again Asta!! Eric x x x x
Hi babe, I'm so glad you are back! Missed you!!!
Crikey we sure have missed you Asta. We had fun chatting on the New Years chatroom pawty. Hope to catch you tonight.
Hey Asta - thanks for commenting on my blog - saved idle Misery Mistress from having to find yours to comment.
Yeah, it was great to chat and meet some new pals, especially ones in Aus, and digging ones at that.
Catch you later.
Mommi wants to come kiss youw tummy in that pictoowe on youw Daddi's lap..You nevew have to weaw a sweatew I bet..I weally don't mind..as long as I can wun awound and go places..I don't cawe what I weaw
smoochie kisses
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Oh your Mommy was very busy! We are so happy that you all are OK!!!!
Welcome back. We missed you lots.
Sweet Asta Baby!!
We have missed you SO STINKIN' MUCH! Welcome back, girlie!
We TOTALLY understand about your mama being away and everything. It happens. At least she'll be back with you in less than 2 months!! WooOOoHoOOOo!
Thanks for letting me know you're back in action, and try to sneak a few of the cat's tootsie rolls. You know you're a turd burglar (that's what Bogart called me)!
Goober love & smooches,
Hello Asta! Its been a while! Glad to hear you're back!
I am looking forward to read all about your adventures, Asta.
Glad you are back, we had fun talking to you in the chat party! I like sticking my tongue up people's noses too!! yum!
Thanks for visiting! You sound like a fun pup!
Hi Asta,
OMdoG... I can't believe you are back! Yipeee....
Glad to know that you (and all at home) are well... Happy New Year!!
I'm finally back from rehab and blogging again. Happy new year.
Simba x
Ha roo, Asta! Happy New Year - we've missed you!
Oh... the iPhone, huh? It all started for our parents a couple months ago with an iPod. That led to the iPhone. Then before you knew it, Mom's computer died and they replaced the PC with an iMac. We're waiting to see what's next! YIKES!
Play bows,
Hello!Happy New Year for you,too!
Thank's for visit me, and i'm glad you came back. I will visit you more.
Kisses and Hugs.
Cléo & Sandra
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